Sunday, November 30, 2008

A Conversation you'll no doubt have if you travel india

There are a few very (i mean very) repititive conversations you'll have with indian people while your travelling in this country. Most of them happen on trains, buses, or in taxi cabs. At first there totally interesting and they hold your attention span, but after about the 30th of each conversation (beleive me these happen twice a day if your on the move) they start to get a little old and a little boring. This is a "tecnique" i use to sort of minimize the length of conversation becuase after a while you'll begin to know which conversations are the one's which will last a whole squished and hot journey if you don't end them quick. Actually its sort of a defence mechanism againts boring conversation you could say.
This is the first example and easily the most common conversation i have (ive had probably 40 variations of this since ive been here)
This usually happens on a bus or a short train ride and usually it happens with a person who speaks scattered or broken english. You can usually understand them easy enough but it takes a little time and they have to talk slow...also theres about 3 or 4 other men or women watching you and listenening while this conversation is happening (depending on how crowded the bus or train is). The man (becuase odds are women wont strike up a conversation with you) is usually accompanied by someone and he's usually the better of the two with english.
Indian: which country ?
Me: Im from canada
Indian: O, canada (turns and says something in Hindi to his freind, they smile and laugh) Canada very good country, very cold ?
Me: Yes very cold
Indian: How cold?
Me: At home right now maybe minus 10 to minus 15
Indian: O, soo cold (turns and says something in Hindi - probably about how cold it is and makes shivering motion to his freinds - they all laugh and look with disbeleif then he says ) here it gets maybe 10 to 12 degree's (he's no doubt wrapped in a blanket (of course this depends on the time of day/type of journey) then proceeds to ask me) Canada a rich country?
Me: I guess, canada is very different from india... (im trying to kill the topic of wealth quickly and he most likely gets the point, this teqnique has taken a while to master, ive seriously spent hours explaining how my house has 3 floors to a group of men - big mistake)
Indian: Whats your name?
Me: Steven
Indian: Im "so and so" and if he's with a close freind he will usually introduce them aswell
Me (very politely, but in a somewhat dismissive way (knowing this could go on for a while and odds are im not in the mood. You see once they know your name your in for a whole stack of predictable questions): Nice to meet you (shaking there hands)
Indian: Are you married?
Me: young still in canada to be married, again very different country (trying to kill topic, again perfecting the technique)
Indian: You have girlfreind?
Me: No, no girlfreind either
Indian: Why no girlfreind (laughing and talking to his freinds after asking me question)
Me: I don't know....... im still young?(again trying to kill subject)
Indian: How old?
Me: Im 23... (bull shit but this is an age that usually will work to settle the dispute of how old i am between them (becuase they think i look really old for some reason) and will put to rest why im so far away from home at such a young age. Again perfecting the technique)
Indian: You work in India?
Me: No, im a traveller, backpacking around seeing the country (i show him my backpack then say) very beautiful country.
Indian: You work at home?
Me: No, im a student (well going to be a student...agan eisier to kill the topic)
Indian: What do you study? (after turning around and telling his freinds that im a student)
Me: I am taking the courses i need to get into buisness school (its true, i think)
Indian: O' buisness very good, (tells freinds then asks) Buisness and what major? (most indians im having this conversation with are around the ages of 30 to 50..i think... and are very well informed about the world and the way education works no matter what there caste or apperance)
Me: Buisness and marketing major (this will put to rest the topic of my major and most likely satisfy there questions as to what i do at home and the whole topic of school)
Indian: Ooo, You christian?
Me: No im a catholic.. (this completely puts to rest the religion issue, never tell an indian you dont beleive in god or that your agnostic. Dont use the Buddhist thing either becuase odds are there more well informed on the subject then you are becuase of the close relation to Hinduism)
Indian: So christmas?
Me: Yes, like Diwali..but in Canada in winter.
Indian: Yes, here too (excitedly)
Me: (by this point im really hoping to end this conversation quickly, you might think of me as rude right now, but beleive me it gets very tiring after a while awnsering the same questions over and over again. And the other thing is your travelling in what is in all odds a small and un comfortable seat on a train or bus so your patients is low) Yes..... ( i begin to put my headphones in without taking my i pod out of my bag, dont ever take an i pod touch out of your bag, they'll go nuts and insist on seeing it. Its totally innocent and truly there just curiuos but still you never know....and it could be a while till you get it back. Then i proceed to take my book out and say) Nice meeting you "so and so" im going to read know (politely but dismissively then shake his hand)
Indian: Ok (pulling out mobile phone) you have mobile?
Me: No, not with me (usually my only mistake and a fatal one at that)
Indian: O in canada? Whats number?
Me: (FUCK) Umm its 1780 913 9530....its lont distance and you need to dial from land line...(again huge mistake, this could lead to a whole explanation of area codes and phone numbers in canada with 10 digits)
Indian: O ok.... (telling his freinds in Hindi) You have paper or pen?
Me: Yes (knowing this will end conversation sooner than later)
Indian: Ok my mobile is "number" and dial # for outside "state"
Me: Ok thank you "so and so"....(trying to go back to my now open book)
Indian: When good time to call?
Me: Ummm im home 18 of december (knowing/or thinking the odds of me getting a call are low and the odds are that this guy just wants my name in his contact list to show to his freinds)
Indian: ok i call you maybe January "certain day" ok?
Me: Ok sounds good, nice talking to you (now more dismissive)
Indian: Ok Nice meeting you too, freind steven (and showing me my digits in his phone)

This conversation like i said before is very common and happens with a wide range of people here. Odds are the Indians are just curuios about you becuase your the only white person on the bus/train and there just trying to kill time to. Although the conversation is completely harmless, it can get on your nerves quickly for the reasons i explained above and i now probably have about 10 new phone numbers saved in my "contacts" in my ipod and another 10 written on the inside covers of books.
I dont know why im posting this, its just sort of a funny part of travelling when your by yourself and im sure people have experienced the same thing many times before me. I really think the whole conversation takes place just so they can get my phone number in there contact list, although about half the conversations end without the cell phone being brought out. Again you may think of me rude for trying to be dismissive, but Indians are very nosy, gossipy people and will proceed to ask you question after question without taking hints if you dont play the conversation right...beleive me after a while you realize which conversations are worth having and which are going to be endless.
love you all

Friday, November 28, 2008


Right now im hanging out in the state of Uttaranchal, in the small city of Rishikesh, which is right on the Ganges river. This place is absolutely amazing as far as scenery goes, its alot like the interior of british columbia i guess and i dont know its just a really nice place. Its dubbed the yoga capital of the world as well so its got a crazy yoga, ayerveda health scene as well. The town is super cool and is seperated by these two suspension bridges that god from district to district over the ganges. Really cool and i defintly throw some photos up. On one side of the river, theres no rickshaws or taxis allowed either so its just an amazing little walking market place with all these cool temples and ghats. Overall Tons of spiritual seekers and lots of beautiful temples and scenery to go along with it. Im staying at this really nice little guest house, up in the hills above the town area of Laxmhan Jula, pretty well you can walk anywhere here and i dont know its just a really cool place. Theres a yoga studio right behind my guest house which has drop in classes 2 times a day which ive been going to quite frequently and ive made my way north of the city to hang out on the sandy beaches of ganges, which are amazing. The water is freaking cold tho, and there was alot of nude old hippies around that im pretty sure were tripping out on acid (atleast i hope they were) so it was a little weird of being there by myself. I was thinking of checking into a yoga ashram, which is where you study and meditate for like 10 hours a day but i decided it might be a little to intense and i like what im doing know. I met some cool people at the guest house im at (Jess and knowl, there irish) and i think were going to go white water rafting some time in the near future. Other than that life is good and again (i know ive said this like 10 times before) this place is really to amazing and beautiful to describe, totally a place you have to experience to appreciate. The people are totally freindly and so - not in your face- aswell. Which is a total change from agra and rajasthan. Ok well life is good and il update this again with some pictures soon or if i have anything i need to say that havent said already. The terrorist shit thats happening in Mumbai is crazy, its scary to think that i was actually at all those places that they hit like a month ago and im going back there in about 3 weeks to catch my flight home. The media here is having a feild day over it to, its absolutly everywhere...i just hope they get this under control by the time i get there...which im sure they will its just a bit freaky.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Random photos of last few weeks/ months maybe

Ok heres some photos ive taken over the last few weeks, my camera's been glitching so ive only got some photos of the taj i can post....

the taj is seriuosly soo fucking amazing, i know why the call it one of the "wonders of the world" its honestly (not to sound corney) breathtaking...o and theres the photo of the worlds largest turban, not as cool as the taj but still cool. i guess. The photos of the wall of flowers is the life cycle of the lotus flower that plates the whole inside walls of the taj, actually insane, becuase the whole thing is marble. Then theres me in some place i cant remmember but its a good photo

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Ok so since the last time i updated this thing alot has happenend for me. First thing is that i left Jeslaimir (feeling still not 100%) and ended up in Pushkar for the remaining 2 days of the "world" famous camel festival. The festival was crazy, so much visual stimulation and people its ridiculous. Snake charmers, kids dressed up like hindi gods, camels dressed up like people, people selling camel fair nessecities everywhere (sabers, lassi, snakes, fruit, camels) and just tons of people. It wasnt the greatest experience for someone not feeling that well but i made due and just tried to take as much in as possible. I was in pushkar for almost a week and the day after the camel festival i registered into a introduction yoga course and this guys yoga studio about a Kilometer out of town (far away from the madness of the festival, which lucky for me ended very abruptly and everyone left town quick). From the point i started yoga on, everything just seemed to click. I went into the class with an open mind and really having no idea of what i was doing. The guy who taught it was named yogesh yogi (haha) and he was a Babba (which is like the highest form of yogi (pretty well babbas sit in the himalyas and meditate all day and are at the highest form of yagic practise)) turned family man in pushkar and had this amazing yoga studio. The guy would teach us (me and this english women named robin) yoga twice a day for an hour and a half (once at 8 in the morning and then at 4 in the afternoon) and then after each session give us a lecture on meditation and the different types of yoga. Il try not to get to into detail about what he taught but heres the stuff that i really took out of it. Yoga is more less a way that a person balances there body physically. Meditation is the way a person balances their mind. Together they form a balance of both, and let you the person practising these things lead a mentally and physically healthier life. Its all under the "Ayurveda" way to life, and all in all this guy just taught me alot and i think i took alot from the course. Yoga is definitly something im going to keep up with, becuase it just makes you feel so good afterwards its to hard to stop once you started. Dont, worry anyone that thinks im going to come back a crazy yoga hippie, its just a lot of these practises i find could really help me as a person and they definitly help you examine who you are and where your going in life. Again i dont no what the point of me explaining this is, it just was a great experience and i would recommend a trip to india to study a bit of yoga to anyone at any age who finds themself lost. Ok well now im in Jaipor, which is the capital of rajasthan and im stuck here for 3 more nights. Its not that great of a city to be stuck in, its big, dirty, and expensive and really doesnt have alot to do in it that i havent already done or seen other places. im going to try and see james bond tommorow with robin who comes into Pushkar by train tonight. so ya thats been my last little while in India. I hope home is good to whoever is reading this and carolyn told me it hasnt snowed yet, which is good for some and bad for snowboarding which i am thinking about non stop at the moment. I have to say i havent taken a photo in about a week so il get on that over the next little bit. Im headed to Agra after this, to see the Taj Mahal for a day then im going north to a national wildlife conservation to try and see a tiger in the wild. Should make for some cool photo ops.
love steven

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Monday, November 10, 2008

il try to keep it short

Ok so a breif summary of the last week since i updated this. I went to Jeslaimir, a beutiful city in north east india thats surrounded by the desert. I spent a day wandering the city and checking out the fort thats right in the middle of it. After that i joined up for a 4 day 3 night desert safari, where a company takes you and a group of random travellers in a jeep out into the sand dune filled landscape about 60 k away from the city. The safari was going great although riding a camel 5 hours a day loses its appeal after about half a hour. like i said the safari was going good til the second morning when i woke up and instantly knew i wasnt feeling well. As the day progressed i felt worse and worse until i told the guide i had to get out of the desert and to a hospital becuase i felt like i might die. I dont remmember anything over the next 48 hours except the little bits which il share with you. I pass out in desert and wake up in the back of a jeep thats ripping through the desert as fast as it can to the hospital. I wake up in the hospital. Then i wake up in a strange room with some random guy patting down my head with a wet towel and a doctor beside me. I guess i have some sort of infection of the intestine? i think ? Anywase a man, whos brother owns the safari company has been nursing me back to health in the family guest house. His name is Sharif and has helped me so much i really cant repay the man properly. The guy litterally checked on me every hour over the first two days i was in the guest house and supplied me with anything i needed. Im feeling better today and walked down the street to this internet cafe. my condition haha, has been improving steadily and il leave for my next destination- pushkar- on the 12th. Il get into more detail next time about what happenend, or maybe i wont actually i dont know, im trying to forget anything bad that has happenend to me at all, while im here so ya thats it. Il post some photos from the last little while over the next few days. Im going to try and stay away from the computer over the next month so, if you have any question and are one of the 5 or so people who read this haha, email me becuase il try an check that every week or so. Actually i dont know il try and update this atleast once 10 days or so. To try and sum up how im feeling il use a quote from holden cuafield that ends the catcher in the rye, "Its funny. Don't ever tell anybody anything. If you do you start missing everybody."

Monday, November 3, 2008

i dont know

Its really crazy how the shittiest day can turn out being one of the best of all in the end. I woke up today knowing full well that my plan to try and make it to Pushkar (for the Camel festival) was going to be tough (for to many reasons to list properly, mostly it has to do with that 200,000 people converge on one place for 5 days). After being fucked around by a few so called travel agencies, not finding a hotel room for a price even near reasonable, and with no real idea of where i was going to go next, on top of not having a hotel room anymore (having checked out of my hotel in Udaipor) and lugging around my backpack for about 4 hours, i got lucky.

Its truly amazing how luck works. I walked into a little shop down the block from my hotel for a bottle of water. The guy inside saw i was upset and really on edge, so he decided to ask me what was up, without trying to push on to me some useless object he had for sale in his shop (this my friends, is fucking rare in India). After telling this guy about what shit i had been through in the morning and having a crazy realization (in front of him) that i was totally lost and out of ideas in a country thats on the opposite side of the world from my own he told me (calmly) to tell him, where and what i wanted to do next if the camel festival didn't work out. By the way, every convince store in a resort city is a internet cafe, drug store and travel agency all compiled into a 12 by 12 foot room. The guy understood what i was going through (with the stress of Indian travel) and told me - if i would like of course - that he could sit me down and give me some advice (free by the way, truly fucking rare) about traveling Rajasthan, and the rest of north India, if i would like. Considering his shop was empty, and i was out of ideas i took him up on the offer and he walked me through a bunch of places and things i should see over the next month. Over the next hour, the guy pretty well walked me through how to time manage my trip, with booking trains and buses in and out of cities and towns i wanted to go to. This completely went against my whole game plan, which was winging the whole fucking thing from the start, but i trusted this guy and he completely understood what i was going through, because he was in all honesty helping me first and foremost. He was completely sincere and upfront about costs and commissions (on tickets), showed me the prices of trains and buses on the official websites, and totally helpful with listening to what i wanted to do in different areas (along with giving me his own advice on what to do, see and experience there and the amount of time he would take if it were himself that was traveling there). Pretty well, in about the course of an hour this guy had booked my trains and buses from city to city (with tickets and complete itinerary of course) for the next month. I end up in Varanasi, on the 3rd of December. This was a total relief and weight off my chest, knowing for the next month, i have the stress of booking my transportation out of the way and a whole route mapped out for the total cost of around 120 dollars. Il see how this all works out in the end, but it really feels good to know that my time and transport are managed accordingly over the next month, because - take my advice here (at least anyone who plans on traveling this country at a young age and on a budget - this is probably the hardest places in the world to go a distance of 100 km. Nothing here travel wise is like north America, nothing is set and nothing ever works out the way you picture its going to. Something always happens (for good or bad) and the trip is always interesting but it kicks the shit out of you after a while and im glad as hell that i have this next month figured out. After that, the guy called up his friend and got me a hotel for a good price right up the street (after being told by my previous hotel that i had to pay an extra 200 rs if i wanted my room back and all the other rooms in the area were full).

After all that was settle and done with, i smoked a sheesha and sat on the deck of my hotel with a really cool man from south India as we watched the sunset from a roof top bar. If you check the photo i posted below, you can see how amazing the sunsets are here. The truth is that the photo doesn't do it justice and my long explanation of it wont either, so read it if you like but know that you have no clue. At around 5:30 the sun becomes a red circle right above the horizon then slowly (and i mean slowly, sunsets don't last like this in canada)the sun goes below the horizon. After that, theirs a sort of greyish, blue mist that engulfs half the sky and the moon appears right above your head. At this point the lake, looks still and birds (hawks particularity) are contrast unbelievably with the horizon. The sky then - over the next half hour - turns from blue to a deep, dark orange then to a foggy tint of yellow, contrasted by the darkening sky that surrounds the moon above you. Stars begin to appear, and at this point all the lights from the buildings surrounding the lake turn on, and the water looks like its dancing when boats make ripples as they glide throughout the lake. There are chants from a mosque across the lake, and at this point Lake Pichola (which is what im watching the sunset over) and the Palace that sits on it, looks so pristine that the scene could actually be out of a fairytale(not wanting to quote lonely planet but its true). At around 6:15 the mountains in the back ground look like waves against a light purple sky and you look directly up, to see the moon completely surrounded by stars. Really an amzaing experience, of course a bit of hash helps the cause but all in all a truly "zen" moment aunty jocelyn.

This is what makes everything on this trip worth while. You can have the shittiest day (or week) for that matter and then all of a sudden someone decides to help you. And not "help" you as in try and sell you something and get as much money from you as possible, i mean actually help you, and you realize that once again the world is good and everything for the most part will work if its supposed to. That sunset puts everything into perspective and makes this whole trip worth while. It completely reinforces that if you can walk through the shit on the streets, deal with garbage, turn away beggars, stand the heat of the day without dying and most of all, put up with seeing people everywhere that have less money to there name than you have in your pocket you can after all see the true beauty that this country possesses. Thats all im going to rant about today, im sure none of you have any idea of what point i was trying to make, truth is i dont know what point im trying to make. Maybe its that the world would be a far better place if everyone appreciated kindness more and took the time everyday to watch something simple happen and see the true beauty that takes place within it. Wow this is good hash

udaipor photos

The royal palace at night
on the lake

this picture really does not do justice to how unbelievable the sunsets are

cool photo?

A very comphrensive look into traffic in udaipor. as you can tell its a very organized affair