Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Ok so since the last time i updated this thing alot has happenend for me. First thing is that i left Jeslaimir (feeling still not 100%) and ended up in Pushkar for the remaining 2 days of the "world" famous camel festival. The festival was crazy, so much visual stimulation and people its ridiculous. Snake charmers, kids dressed up like hindi gods, camels dressed up like people, people selling camel fair nessecities everywhere (sabers, lassi, snakes, fruit, camels) and just tons of people. It wasnt the greatest experience for someone not feeling that well but i made due and just tried to take as much in as possible. I was in pushkar for almost a week and the day after the camel festival i registered into a introduction yoga course and this guys yoga studio about a Kilometer out of town (far away from the madness of the festival, which lucky for me ended very abruptly and everyone left town quick). From the point i started yoga on, everything just seemed to click. I went into the class with an open mind and really having no idea of what i was doing. The guy who taught it was named yogesh yogi (haha) and he was a Babba (which is like the highest form of yogi (pretty well babbas sit in the himalyas and meditate all day and are at the highest form of yagic practise)) turned family man in pushkar and had this amazing yoga studio. The guy would teach us (me and this english women named robin) yoga twice a day for an hour and a half (once at 8 in the morning and then at 4 in the afternoon) and then after each session give us a lecture on meditation and the different types of yoga. Il try not to get to into detail about what he taught but heres the stuff that i really took out of it. Yoga is more less a way that a person balances there body physically. Meditation is the way a person balances their mind. Together they form a balance of both, and let you the person practising these things lead a mentally and physically healthier life. Its all under the "Ayurveda" way to life, and all in all this guy just taught me alot and i think i took alot from the course. Yoga is definitly something im going to keep up with, becuase it just makes you feel so good afterwards its to hard to stop once you started. Dont, worry anyone that thinks im going to come back a crazy yoga hippie, its just a lot of these practises i find could really help me as a person and they definitly help you examine who you are and where your going in life. Again i dont no what the point of me explaining this is, it just was a great experience and i would recommend a trip to india to study a bit of yoga to anyone at any age who finds themself lost. Ok well now im in Jaipor, which is the capital of rajasthan and im stuck here for 3 more nights. Its not that great of a city to be stuck in, its big, dirty, and expensive and really doesnt have alot to do in it that i havent already done or seen other places. im going to try and see james bond tommorow with robin who comes into Pushkar by train tonight. so ya thats been my last little while in India. I hope home is good to whoever is reading this and carolyn told me it hasnt snowed yet, which is good for some and bad for snowboarding which i am thinking about non stop at the moment. I have to say i havent taken a photo in about a week so il get on that over the next little bit. Im headed to Agra after this, to see the Taj Mahal for a day then im going north to a national wildlife conservation to try and see a tiger in the wild. Should make for some cool photo ops.
love steven

1 comment:

Leslie F said...

Steve, glad to hear you're feeling better - that was a bit of an adventure. You are going to a lot of the same places Allen will be going on his tour of Northern India which starts on December 7th. That's cool that you've started yoga - I think Mr. Hansen will be very happy!