Saturday, October 25, 2008

From Hampi to Hell

Hampi is a freaking cool place. Its something thats hard to describe, its more of an experience thing but il give u a little detail anyways. First of all myself and Stefan (my german freind) got a tip to stay at this hotel called Mowgli, across the river from the main temple and town of Hampi. The place was really chill, full of cool people and had probably the best nightime bar ive seen at a hotel. again to hard to explain but il try and post some photos. I only got to spend two full days in hampi, one of which Stefan, myself and a couple (an italian named Franco and his irish girlfreind Elaine) rented scooters and scootered around to most of the major ruins. The scenery and the ruins them self were fucking amazing. Smoke a little bit of hash and the place was about as cool as it gets. Nuthing but good vibes. I left the morning after the scooter expedition, on a bus to a city called Hubli (which is a major train hub for the intirior of the southwest). K buses in India are like everything else here, expect the unexpected and dont think that your getting anyplace quickly. The ride was only supposed to take 3 and a half hours with 6 stops. It took about 5 and a half hours with over 20 stops. I had no clue what was going on so i just read the whole time. When i got to hubli i had to get my way to the train station and from there i was lucky enough to talk to the head of train bookings by accident, and with a little bit of a cash handout i got my self onto a first class rail car when the train was completely booked. On the train i decided to get some of the nice looking somosas that were being sold in between stops. Bad idea, about 4 hours later (the train ride took 15 hours) i was in the bathroom with a horrible case of food poisining.
All in all a horrible train ride and one im trying to forget. I got off the train in mumbai and got a taxi to a hotel. Most taxis in the city should cost a maximum of 50rupees for a distance of about 3km (which is just over a dollar canadian). When picking a taxi up anywhere, don't let the guy handle your luggage unless hes supposed to (limosene) and dont get into a taxi when there is another guy (a freind of the driver) in the front seat expecially at 5 30 in the morning when the streets are quite.Bottom line i could give the guys a huge handout or get jumped. I ended up paying about 600rupees for a 30 rupee taxi ride. Not good.
Im now hanging out in Mumbai again at a decently priced hotel. Its still way to expensive and the city is crazy because of Divali (the hindu festival of lights) or the Hindi christmas. What ever you want to call it, Indians like to drink at this time of year and that is sight to see. I met up with Allen Fallis last night, and he took me out with a bunch of his exchange student freinds. They were all pretty nice kids and i think il try to meet up with them again. Im trying to get north to Rajasthan as quick as i can but its tough becuase all the trains are full til around the 29th so i might have to stick it out in mumbai through Divali, which would be fucking nuts. Il post some photos if i can.


caaaaarolyn said...

Poopty! the photos look insane, will you promise to take me to india some day? Im really happy you are having such a good time. love you and miss you

Daddyo said...

Stevie, great tale! and glad you called Allan, thanks! Enjoy the festival , it might be fun if you can find some ceremony or somethin to witness. yes to Rajastan, did some reading and it sounds like the place togo, l u Daddyo

concetta said...

Hi Stevooo
you just can't win when it comes to your tummy. Keep the pictures and posting coming, they are wonderful to look at and read. Miss you every day.