Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Mum- fucking - bai

Ok il start off by telling you flying anywhere for a total of 18 hrs sucks. Secondly that Mumbai is just insane in everywhich way. Il give you a breif description of my first day here. I get off the airplane after scenicly veiwing the largest slum in the world from the air. I get into a cab the that would fit into the back of my truck and we then proceed to drive through the "outskirts" of that slum in bumper to bumper traffic for the next hour. Picture a three lane road being used as a four lane and even a five lane road at times, 4 kids on 1 scooter every 2 feet, no one follows any traffic signals along with litterally half the population of edmonton jaywalking through traffic. It was the most horribly entertaining drive ever. So i get to colaba and try an get into a decent hotel, for a decent price. That doesnt happen due to a hindu festival starting in the area tommorow and i end up spluring on the 6th hotel i go into. Im going to get out of this city quick and i hope i can give a description of more than the previous words about the city but im too tired right now. Ok mom this was pretty well for you. So you know im ok and ill be back in touch in the next few days.
Il post some pictures and give a rundown of life in the second largest city in the eastern world some time soon.

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