Saturday, October 25, 2008

Hampi photos

Cool doorwayYou cant see it but im on top of a pyramid

This was the place the Hampi empire stored there elephants

The lotus temple, not a bad looking building

Im sideways, but you can see the crazy details put into all the buildings

1 comment:

Ollie said...

Hows it going...besides the rotten stomach thing...bummer. Liken your tales of travel and adventure in the old old world of India...great experience hey? You try out some yoga places yet..that's where every one goes to get trained!! You could come back the "master". Not just the beer meditation..although I'm sure spiritual in it's own way.....Halloween happening here this week end...lot's of pirates out I think((Arrr).. They do that there? The OIL are back to 50/50. Good start and then a fizzle...I think goal tending has been weak!
Hey send more stuff..great to hear from you. Lucas is pounding the books and Kelties eyeing the mountain!
Lv Ya